We are all on a journey; a spiritual journey that is. Some are on it knowingly and some unknowingly. But nevertheless, we are all on the path.
But rather than human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey. But where exactly is the destination for this journey? Every journey must have a goal, right?
The direct answer is ‘God’. The place we all originate from. The place this entire universe originates from in-fact. Everything in the entire universe is nothing but a manifestation of God.
I did it, I said the ‘G’ word. I dropped the G bomb that has most people eye rolling, thinking “for f**k sake not another bible basher” or “Right, what is the quickest and easiest way for me to divert away from this topic?” Or in many cases probably all of them.
But before you do run, let me try to explain in a way that hopefully makes a little more sense.
For a lot of people the word ‘God’ is immediately associated with religion, and we all know what religions start don’t we - wars! Well not quite actually.
Humans create wars, not religion. We’re pretty great at a falling out over lots of things. It’s just a shame religion seems to be common place for it. I guess it softens the blow if we say that it’s in Gods name.
But anyway, I’m not religious and don’t follow any particular faith, although I take what I like from many of them. In-fact I’d go further and say I love all of the faiths. If you can look beyond the surface, they’re genius. The seemingly child like stories often have a very clever deep meaning.
Take the Bhagavad-Gita for example. Krishna and Arjuna go to war on a chariot, but in reality, it’s just an allegory for mans battle with perception.
All that aside, we don’t need to be religious or follow any particular dogma to believe in God. It is absolutely fine to go direct. Perhaps even quicker and more tailored to you?
So perhaps that seems slightly more manageable and inline with you, but maybe the word God is still triggering you? Okay, so lets change the word. You can call ‘God’ the ‘Divine’ instead, or the ‘Universe’ or the ‘Absolute’, or the ‘Ultimate’, or ‘Love itself’ or the ‘Super-Soul’, or perhaps just ‘Energy’? Maybe just the knowing or belief that there is a subtle energy that’s in charge of this whole creation?
Maybe Jesus or Krishna or the Prophet work better for you?
You see, we’ve been taught to look at God through a very narrow view point. For most people it’s been through the lens of one religion or another and perhaps that wasn’t or isn’t the right fit for you. Then again maybe it is, there’s nothing wrong with that. If a religion suits you, that’s great. But for those who struggle with religion (and I feel in this modern day life many do) I’m here to say there is another option - you can go direct to the ‘God’ of your choice.
Whatever name or form comes naturally or feels right, go with it. We are all different.
Maybe that all makes sense, but actually believing in something that has never been proven scientifically doesn’t make sense. I do get it, there is an element of trust in this invisible force. Some people live and die by what they see through the lens of a microscope. The ‘Prove it or it isn’t real’ approach. Why wouldn’t you think like this?
Here’s why; because God will never be found with science. Plain and simple, science does have it’s limits. To realise the Divine you have to go inward. Look at every great spiritual teacher/teaching from the past, every single one says the same thing - the truth can only be found inside. We are carrying the very God we are looking for outside, inside.
For me, I have no doubt whatsoever in the existence of God. I feel the presence of God when I connect in my mind. I feel the presence in meditation too. Often I feel it without any prior instigation, the grace just arrives spontaneously. Over the years it’s developed to a deep ‘knowing’. A very firm and certain connection that continually deepens. It sounds strange I know, so I won’t even try to explain in words what that feels like, I’d never do it justice. But just know that if you turn inward and search for the truth, the truth will little by little be revealed. I know because little by little, it’s being revealed to me.
All rivers lead to the Ocean.
All religions eventually lead to God. Some wind much more than others, but if you want to, why not go direct to the Ocean?
I hope I didn’t scare you off with all my God chat, but it’s time we took a hard look at this topic. I mean, if it’s true, it’s perhaps the most important topic that can ever be talked about, right?
Until next time,
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